KA650 in MicroVAX BA123?

From: James Green <jamesg_at_PARRIMARK.COM.AU>
Date: Tue Nov 7 17:03:01 2000

I am relatively new to the VAX world, but I have already established that
the very same
thing was done to my MicroVAX by the previous owner...

I have heaps of questions for the guy, but regretfully I inherited it from a
deceased estate :-(

What else was done as part of the MicroVAX II -> 3 upgrade?


> I have a MicroVAX II which has been upgraded to a
> MicroVAX 3. I say MicroVAX 3 because that is what
> is on the upgrade decal and the DEC instruction
> booklet refers to the upgrade as a Microvax 3. Are
> there MicroVAX III decals out there, is the
> MicroVAX 3 decal unusual, or are both common?
> Doug.
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