KA650 in MicroVAX BA123?

From: Neil Cherry <ncherry_at_home.net>
Date: Tue Nov 7 20:27:54 2000

Gene Buckle wrote:
> > >What else was done as part of the MicroVAX II -> 3 upgrade?
> >
> > The only things done are the CPU card and memory are replaced. Then the
> > sticker is applied :-) Everything else stays the same and "Poof!" your vax
> > is 3x faster than it was. (0.9 VUPS vs 2.7VUPS)
> >
> Does anyone here have a uVAX III boardset they want to part with? :)
> g.

EBAY does (sorry but that's where I found the KA650, the mem and a few
boards). Aparently there were 2 different people providing equipment for
auction 1 had the boards the other had a MicroVAX III for auction. I'll
make no assumptions .... :-/

Linux Home Automation           Neil Cherry             ncherry_at_home.net
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Received on Tue Nov 07 2000 - 20:27:54 GMT

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