On Wed, 08 Nov 2000 15:07:20 -0600 Bill Richman
<bill_r_at_inetnebr.com> wrote:
> Our mainframe guys recently got rid of some big hard drive chassis,
> and in the process of cleaning up they were going to thow away (!) a
> couple of little Memorex/Termiflex one-handed terminals that I've
> lusted after ever since I saw the service engineer using them. I
> think they're a 1 or 2-line LED dot-matrix display, and they have some
> form of "chording" keyboard on the front.
Sounds like the old Microwriter, or even the original chord
keyboard that Doug Engelbart used with the mouse.
I'd love to see a picture of one of these, to get some idea
of how the chording works. I have a couple of Microwriters:
(scroll down to the end of the page).
John Honniball
Email: John.Honniball_at_uwe.ac.uk
University of the West of England
Received on Thu Nov 09 2000 - 07:20:56 GMT