There was someone trying to interface a Lisa to a PC, making the PC act like a
Profile drive. That college class project didn't get completed, but there is a
bunch of info on the project, the Profile and Lisa parallel port at:
I thought that this was a terrific project, as Profile drives are become rarer
and they will probably all break down before the Lisa's do. Making a PC act
like a Profile is a great solution. Unfortunately, I have never received a
response from the folks at swarthmore college and suspect the project is
abandoned. :-(
Anyone know what happened to the project, or are there others who have done
this? I worry about my profile drives dying before my Lisa and would love to
have a PC as a backup. If no one (is doing/has done) this, I may take my own
shot at it.
Received on Thu Nov 09 2000 - 22:16:11 GMT