Homebrewing a digital computer

From: Chuck McManis <cmcmanis_at_mcmanis.com>
Date: Fri Nov 10 16:10:22 2000

For VCF next year I'm home brewing a digital computer. The goal is to
produce something akin to a CARDIAC that could be used by interested students.

This is what I have so far, comments/criticisms/suggestions are welcome:
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The SIMPLEX Digital Computer V0.5 (November, 2000)
by Chuck McManis

The SIMPLEX digital computer is a computer educational tool for
teaching basic concepts in computation. It has a very easy to
understand architecture, a small instruction set, and can be
programmed to do several chores.

The computer consists of three rotary switches that can be set to
the values 0 throuh 9. I would like them to look like the digital
selectors on the front of the IBM 360 series machines. Above them is a
3 decimal digit display that is used for "display output". To one side
are LEDs that indicate different machine states (fetch, execute,
overflow, etc). In an ideal world the output display would be three
nixie tubes on the top but that will be difficult to achieve.


The SIMPLEX is a decimal architecture computer (base-10 being easier
to understand than base-2) The store consists of 100 memory locations
each of which can hold 3 digits.


0 - TSKIP Test and Skip
                Test the accumulator for a specified condition
                and skip the next instruction if the condition
                is true/not true

        Second digit is condition
                0 - no condtion
                1 - Accumlator not zero
                2 - overflow
                3 - Accumulator is zero
                4 - 9 reserved

        Third digit is number of instructions to skip
                0 - no instructions
                1 - one instruction
                9 - nine instructions.

        Note: By this definition 000 is Test no condition skip no
        instructions (ie NOP)

1 - ADD Add
        Add the contents of memory referenced in the
        instruction into the accumulator.
        Example: 122 - Add contents of location 22 to the

2 - SUB Subtract
        Subtract the contents of memory from the accumulator
        leaving the result in the accumulator.
        Example: 222 - Subtract the contents of memory
                        location 22 from the accumulator.

3 - STORE Store
        Store the contents of the accumulator into
        the referenced memory location.
        Example: 340 - Store the contents of the accumulator
                        into memory location 40.

        Reset the accumulator (and flags).
        Example: 400 - clears the state of the machine.
        Note: This seems a waste of a major opcode.
        Load the Program Counter with the number
        in the instruction
        Example: 505 - Cause the next instruction fetch to come
                        from memory location 5.

6 - BRANCHI Branch Indirect
        Load the Program Counter from the contents
        of memory referenced by the instruction
        Example: 600 - Cause the next instruction to
                        be fetched from the location stored in
                        memory location 00.

7 - READ
        Read the contents of an I/O Register into the Accumulator
        Like the x80 series of machines and others the SIMPLEX has
        a separate I/O space from memory space. Location '00' in
        I/O space is the switch register and location 00 as an output
        is the display. Plans include a drum like I/O device that could
        be used to load programs into memory.
        Example: 700 - Read the contents of the switch register
                        and store them into the accumulator.

        Write the contents of the accumulator into an I/O Register.
        The analog of read but of course the other direction, this
        instruction copies the accumulator into I/O "space."
        Example: 800 - Write the contents of the accumulator
                        to the display.

9 - CALL
        Writes the "next" PC to memory location 0, then jumps
        to the indicated address. This is the mechanism by which
        subroutines are called, however there is no stack. So
        subroutines have to deal with their own re-entrancy issues.
        Example: 950 - Store the current PC into address 0 and
                        branch to location 50.
        Note: The "return" instruction is simply a branch indirect
              from location 0.


Memory is addressed as 00 through 99. Each location holds three
digits. The accumulator is also three digits.

I/O Addresses are two digits, I/O Contents are three digits.

The I/O Switch register and display are at I/O location 0

700 - write to display
600 - read switch register

Load address
Run/Halt - momentary up or down.

        Accumulator + Flags
        Switch Register
        Program Couner + Memory Contents

Add all of the numbers from 1 to 100:

        ADD 99
        ADD 1
        ADD COUNT
        ADD TOTAL
        TSKIPO ZERO,1
        WRITE 0,TOTAL
        BRANCH * ; halt
        ADD 100


The SIMPLEX computer is implemented in a single PGA the I/O pins are
as follows:
         4 bits -> Digit select
         8 bits -> Display data
         7 bits -> Memory/IO address
        12 bits ->memory/IO data
         0 bits -> switch register data (muxed on mem bus)
         1 bit -> RD
         1 bit -> WR
         1 bit -> *IO
         2 bits -> deposit / deposit next
         2 bits -> examine / examine next
         2 bits -> load address / clear all
          2 bits -> run/halt
         1 bit -> single step
         1 bit -> clock
        44 bits of I/O resources needed.

System schematic should consist of the switch register gate, 128 x 12
RAM, Display drivers (8 pnp transistors?) Four center off toggles, one
momentary toggle.

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Received on Fri Nov 10 2000 - 16:10:22 GMT

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