RX02 drive emulation (was RE: Lisa Profile Drive emulation on a PC)

From: Clint Wolff <vaxman_at_uswest.net>
Date: Fri Nov 10 19:45:41 2000

Thanks for the info Allison...

Along the lines of the previous post (which I completed cut out),
I'm think about connecting the raw digital data to the parallel
port or a custom serial to parallel converter, and parsing it
out in software. I work with enough brainy people I should be
able to get a PLL and data separator working under matlab...

I have a box (dual 8" floppies) that came with the CP/M 68K system that
isn't dec, but has RX01 written on the front in majik marker. It has
a 10-pin ribbon cable coming out of it. I also have a dual RX02 that
came with an 11/23. Can the interface card be used in a uVAX?

Before I sell the CP/M 68K system, I want to make sure I keep all the
DEC formatted floppies that belong to the '780.


On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, ajp166 wrote:

> From: Clint Wolff (VAX collector) <vaxman_at_uswest.net>
> >I'm looking for a way to access a RX0? drive from a PC! I'd like to
> >archive all the 8" floppies that came with my '780 (including some
> >CPM/68K distributions) for long-term preservation.
> RX01 is SSSD and most pc controllers are problematic with that
> mostly due to cost cutting. Mest best would be a machine with
> wd36c65 based chip (with both clocks available) as it can do all
> rates. You will have to create you own driver for the SSSD.
> I do it all the time with my CP/M crate (native 8" SSSD support).
> The varios other 8" formats that did get used may require a
> WD1771/and/or/WD1793 based controller (very non PC) to read
> the possible and sometimes oddball formats used.
> RX02 is a truly unique format and only RX02 (or the few clones)
> actually can read that (you must have a PDP-8, PDP-11 or VAX
> in other words) as most are Omnibus, Unibus or Qbus.
> >Anybody done anything like this? I'm still looking for the pinout
> >of the 10? pin ribbon cable that comes out of the dual floppy box.
> 10???? more like 40 for either rx02 or rx01.
> Allison
Received on Fri Nov 10 2000 - 19:45:41 GMT

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