Tony Duell skrev:
>> BTW, I am fresh to this list (joined this night), so I hope I'm not expla=
>> ining
>> something obvious now.
>Welcome to the list !
Oh, I think i'll feel right at home here. ^_^
>> I personally collect everything between eight and thirty-two bits, save f=
>> or
>> standard PCs (I have a faiblesse for MCA machines though), and my flat is
>> filled with eight-biut micros, DEC workstations, STs, Amigas, Macs and PS=
>I think most of us have the same problem. I prefer minicomputers with
>CPUs built from lots of simple TTL chips (just the thing to attack with a
>logic analyser), so I've got 19" racks everywhere...
>Why limit yourself to 8-32 bits, though? What's wrong with 4 bit
>machines, 64 bit machines, etc :-). I have a few of the former (mostly as
>embedded systems in measuring instruments). Can't hink of anything I've
>got wit a wider-than-32 bit data path, but I certainly wouldn't refuse
>such a machine...
I really can't say that I have encountered any such machines. Would a PC-500
(standard chipset) Pong console be of such a design, or perhaps even simpler?
I don't think I could form any relationship to a 4-bitter, either. I wouldn't
mind a 64-bitter for NetBSD purposes, though. 26-bitters are also on my wish
list. =)
In case you're fond of odd minis, why not a 36-bitter? Have a look at
>> /2s.
>> Just today I acquired another Mac (SE, though the front claims SE/30) and=
>> the
>> remains of an industrial VME-based computer. Are there any VME boffs arou=
>> nd
>> here?
>I wouldn't call myself an expert, but I've got a few VME bits around
>here, mostly expansion cards on Torch machines (XXX, QuadX).
I had to throw away my mystery 68020 VME based network thingamajiggy when I
moved, but these systems, despite being built with an open bus, are about as
closed as you can get. =(
En ligne avec Thor 2.6.
Wenn ich ein Junge w?r / das wu?te ich so gut / was so ein junger Boy / aus
lauter Liebe tut /?ich w?rde in die Schwulenscene gehn /?und sexy Boys den
Kopf verdrehn / ich h?tt genug Verkehr / wenn ich ein Junge w?r.
Wenn ich ein Junge w?hr - Nina Hagen
Received on Sat Nov 11 2000 - 18:41:38 GMT