On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 05:44:55AM -0600, Bill Bradford wrote:
> I picked up a Sharp QA-25 computer LCD projection panel from a local
> junk shop today. The glass/"optics" look just fine (no scratches, just
> needs to be Windexed), but I have no manual or power supply or data
> cables for this. I remember using one about 10 years ago when in
> school, but I dont remember if this uses EGA or CGA inputs (has a 9-pin
> D-shell data input).
> I'm guessing probably CGA; anybody know specifics on the data cable?
> Think I can hook it via straight-9pin-cable to the CGA out port on the
> back of a laptop and fire it up? (fortunately I can use a standard
> generic wall-wart power supply; it has the specs and connector diagram
> on the side of the unit).
I have a Sharp {Idontremember} panel, black&white , 16 rasterized "shades"
of grey. The case is dark grey/black and there's a wide fan on the other end
and a flip-up cover exposing contrast and other controls. It can do
VGA and (EGA/CGA or Hercules) with the appropriate cables. It might have
been a QA-25 but I'm not sure. Came with a remote controller too (IR)
The controls were really small dials and a couple of push buttons.
I have the manual but I don't remember if it had the cable diagrams.
I bought it an auction three years ago, I was bidding for 2 Tek 4207's and
a 4107 and after paying the $10 I found the panel underneath the pile.
> Now, off to the office surplus store to get an overhead projector for
> $10....
.. and at the same auction I got three overhead projectors for $2. Sometimes
you get lucky (although I still don't know what to do with them).
I like playing this PC racing game "Stunts" projected to a wall. So that's
my recipe for 12 buck multimedia "experience".
Jarkko Teppo | Lahjoita HP 7933:n levypakka hyv??n kotiin!
jate_at_uwasa.fi |
:wq! |
Received on Mon Nov 13 2000 - 06:13:35 GMT