Update on finds

From: THETechnoid_at_home.com <(THETechnoid_at_home.com)>
Date: Mon Nov 13 10:16:31 2000

That was back in the day! A half-page thermal printer was LOADS cheaper
than a daisywheel or an impact DM printer.

If I recall, the personality card contains the machine-specific interface
(commodore, Atari, etcetera) as well as rom which allowed printing the
host machine's full graphics character set (all 220+ chars). Useful for
program hardcopy which contains machine code.

You mentioned it has a funny jack. Maybe for Atari 8-bits? They have
this wierd 13pin D shaped molex connector....

The Okidata 'okimate 10' and okimate 20 had a similar scheme to support
the babylon of architectures out there at the time.

I miss Babylon. It was so much more fun than today's PCs.



In <000601c04d06$021be920$cfa9d9cf_at_earthlink.net>, on 11/13/00
   at 11:16 AM, "tlujan2" <tlujan2_at_earthlink.net> said:

>>Alphacom 42 thermal printer very strange plug on this unit,
>>anyone know how you power this printer

>This is a USA printer and also uses a printer cartridge interface for a
>specific computer.

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Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services, Inc.
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Asheville, NC 28803
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Received on Mon Nov 13 2000 - 10:16:31 GMT

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