Magnum-25 tester formatter

From: Joe <>
Date: Mon Nov 13 17:32:16 2000

Marvin, that was a hell of a find, you lucky dog! My buddy also got lucky
when he got his PAT-2. It was in a box with about 20 different alignment


At 12:01 PM 11/13/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Joe wrote:
>> It doesn't sound like it. I have a NIB PAT-2+ and a buddy of mine has
>> another and there's nothing on the box or in the manuals even close to the
>> description that Marvin gave.
>> Marvin, I can post a picture of the PAT-2 if you want to see if your
>> units look anything like it.
>Thanks Joe but it won't be necessary. The PAT-2 is a Dyson unit and I think
>that is the unit Don was talking about, not the Magnum-25. It looks like I
>have about 4 - 6 of the Dysan units and hopefully at some point I will have
>time to check them out. There were a number of other disk testers in the lot
>that all came from a person who repairs floppy and hard disks. I would like
>to get schematics on these units though!
>There was a lot of other stuff included in this lot; a SWTPC 6800 computer
>manual, probably eight Mac Plus, Classic, SE computers, documentation on a
>number of older floppy disks, a MAC SE still in the box, and a lot of other
>similar stuff. What I am mostly interested is the documentation. I might add
>that this was all free and what I didn't take ended up at either the recycle
>yard or the dump. It pays to build a network of friends who can let us know
>when something like this is taking place!!!!!
Received on Mon Nov 13 2000 - 17:32:16 GMT

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