New IIci

From: <(>
Date: Wed Nov 15 09:40:56 2000

In <497A9E0467D2D2119B760090271EB8E53E3438_at_MAIL10>, on 11/15/00
   at 10:40 AM, "Cini, Richard" <> said:

> What is the best internet browser for this configuration? I have a cable
>modem connection, so dial-up is no issue.

Netscape should run just fine.

> Like I said, it has 8mb of RAM. I have a few random 30-pin PC SIMMs
>laying around. Can I typically use these? What should I watch for?

I think you need true-parity simms for that.

> The ci also has an X-eyes-like application that shows-up on the menu
>bar. I looked in the usual places for where this could be installed, but
>I can't seem to find the file. There's also no configuration menu to
>disable it. If I can't find it, no big deal, but I'd like to disable it
>if I can.

> Again, the token ring card is up for trade. If anyone's interested,
>contact me off-line. Thanks again.

>Richard A. Cini, Jr.
>Congress Financial Corporation
>1133 Avenue of the Americas
>30th Floor
>New York, NY 10036
>(212) 545-4402
>(212) 840-6259 (facsimile)

Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services, Inc.
30 Greenwood Rd.
Asheville, NC 28803
Visit our website at HTTP://
Received on Wed Nov 15 2000 - 09:40:56 GMT

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