Converting a 220 VT320 to a 120 VT320

From: Chuck McManis <>
Date: Wed Nov 15 13:32:01 2000

Hi Everyone, and especially anyone who has looked into the "guts" of a
VT320. I picked up some pristine VT320s (one in the protective bag with
Silica Gel) and the only problem with them is that they are 220V units and
unlike everything else these days they don't run on anything from 108 - 240
just 220 to 240. However, I've also got a couple of 320's that have really
burned tubes and aren't that useful but they run at 120. So my question is
has anyone swapped a 120 supply for a 220 supply. (Can this be done?) and
alternatively does anyone need a 220 supply if I succeed in swapping mine out.

Received on Wed Nov 15 2000 - 13:32:01 GMT

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