> Woohoo????? You've obviously not tried it. I like NeXTstep, and I'm a Mac
> fanatic, but I'm not happy with "Mac OS X". There is a definite chance
> that the G4/450 I've got running Mac OS 8.6/G4 is the last Mac I'll own.
Actually, I saw OS X on my friend's G4 and I'm a believer. Apple finally
did something right -- I could actually get a shell! And it's the only Unix
implemention I think that adequately hides the nuts and bolts from the dummy
user without obstructing someone like me from getting into the guts. I could
get a real man page. Cool!
The only sour note is backwards compatibility. Running in the classic
environment isn't exactly seamless, so it looks like my G3 will be kept in
service running 8.6 even if I get one of the new G4s after OS X is released.
I have to play Full Throttle on *something*. :-)
Now if only I could get Darwin running on this Apple Network Server. I'm sure
a 604e/200 could run it well but it's the rest of the funky hardware in the
ANS that I'm worried about. I know it won't run OS X itself; Apple has already
said that.
----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser_at_stockholm.ptloma.edu
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Received on Wed Nov 15 2000 - 20:17:51 GMT