In message <>, Seth writes:
>My plans for RetroNET have always been to form a separate,
>non-internet-connected network of hobbyists, retrocomputists, wackos,
>and misfits who want a place something like the timesharing resources
>of old. It would consist of VAXen and DECstations and even PCs running
>more modern Unix-like OSes, communicating over UUCP (since none of
>us could possibly afford dedicated leased lines). E-mail, Retronet
>News (think: Usenet without the Usenet), and general dorkiness.
>And really there's no good reason not to have it connected to the
>Internet, except for the "purity" factor, and the neatness factor.
>C'mon, think how cool it would be to have a "retronet!host!username"
>email address that only other COOL, ELITE DORKS can talk to!
>Still... anyone want to be a RetroNET node? :)
I've often thought the same thing, though I never made
any actual moves in that direction. The one thing that's
always troubled me is that we'd most likely be pretty
spread out so most of the connections would be long distance
calls. Than again, if the traffic weren't all that large
a few minutes of long distance each night might not be all
that bad.
Received on Fri Nov 17 2000 - 00:30:42 GMT
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