HP Questions

From: Frank McConnell <fmc_at_reanimators.org>
Date: Fri Nov 17 18:17:34 2000

Jarkko Hermanni Teppo <jate_at_uwasa.fi> wrote:
> I have a couple of HP related questions. I started thinking about these
> while I was scanning all the 9000/500 docs that I have and in HP 27110B
> HP-IB card manuals I saw a sentence similar to this "..supported in all
> HP computers with CIO bus..".
> 1. Which machines had the CIO bus ? I know of 9K/550, 520 and at least some
> version of the bus in some 800-series machines.

Some (earlier) HP 3000 series 900s too. Of course they are similar hardware
to 9000/800s. If Stan Sieler is reading he can probably say more about this.

> 2. I know about 200/300/400/500/700/800-series but what is 9000/600 which
> I've seen in a couple of manuals.

I don't remember but think they are PA-RISC-based. I don't remember seeing
much about the series 600s so I suspect it was a marketing thing that didn't
last real long.

> 3. Is the HP 7970 tape drive vacuum column or one of these newer streaming
> devices (like the 7974A).

None of the above. It's older, non-streaming, and it uses tension arms.

> And extra bonus-points for the person who recognizes the app in the cover
> of the HP 9000 550 manual at
> http://www.tec.puv.fi/~s99137/kuvat/cover.gif

No idea, but it's interesting to see that the 9000/550 also had the
number 9050.

> And a couple of low-quality "recognize the peripheral"-pics at:
> http://www.tec.puv.fi/~s99137/kuvat/uudet/ (none of those are mine, btw.)
> Particularly cipher.jpg, HP2000[12].jpg, nauha.jpg, hp3kcons.jpg.

hp20001.jpg is an HP 2114 minicomputer.

hp20002.jpg is a 21MX mini of some sort. I'm away from my manuals so
can't easily tell which series.

hp3kcons.jpg pictures an HP 2647F that was sold with an HP 3000 series
64/68/70 for use as its console. I'm thinking that for about the first year
of shipments of the 3000/64, the 2647F did not have the "hp3000" plate
on the front, just the usual 2647F plate.

> --
> Jarkko Teppo | Lahjoita HP 7933:n levypakka hyv??n kotiin!

ObUglyAmerican: what are you saying about the 7933?

When I first saw one, in 1982, I thought "wow, it's so big!". Imagine
my surprise when a new cow-orker saw a 7935 at Wollongong in 1995 or
so and said about the same thing. I had been thinking about the
capacity: 404MB was pretty impressive for a washing-machine drive back
in 1982. He was clearly thinking about the size, and comparing it
with 540MB drives then popular in desktop Wintel PCs.

-Frank McConnell
Received on Fri Nov 17 2000 - 18:17:34 GMT

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