On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 17:33:15 -0800, Eliot Moore <elmo_at_mminternet.com> wrote:
>False start. The Strata XXe is [just] a key system, has no native single line
>or voicemail/auto-attendant support. You'll need the "off-premise" station
>cards (MOPU/MOPX?), and it can only provide six ports that way. Good luck
>finding them.
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Why "off premise"? The
system came with phones, and I was under the impression it took as input,
POTS lines. I know it doesn't have voicemail, etc; we've got that covered
in other ways. My plan was to use the phones that came with the system,
"sacrificing" one or more of them for interfacing with our home-automation
system, etc. Using a BASIC Stamp or PIC, I can make the server "push the
buttons" on the phones via a serial port, and with a little impedance
matching (or a speaker duct-taped to the handset), the home automation
system can use the "all call" or individual hands-free intercom capability
of the system to talk to us in various rooms and get a spoken response. At
any rate, right now all I'm after is the wiring diagram used to connect the
indivdual RJ-45 (?) modular jacks to the wiring coming from the station
cards; I believe the phones we have use 2-pair wiring; what I need is the
color codes (or pin numbers) from the big connectors (Amphenol?) on the
station cards to the individual modular jacks. I plan on ordering a manual
when I can, but I'd like to play a little in the meantime.
-Bill Richman (bill_r_at_inetnebr.com)
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Received on Sun Nov 19 2000 - 20:09:31 GMT