--- Don Maslin <donm_at_cts.com> wrote: >
> David, I cannot help you in the documentation arena,
> but if you
> have access to TeleDisk and a PC with 5.25" floppy
> drive -
> preferably 360k - I will email you any or all of the
> following
> disk images:
> Research Machines Limited
> Name Format Description
> RML14B31 SSSD CP/M 1.4B (31K) system disk
> for 380Z
> RML14B56 SSSD CP/M 1.4B (56K) system disk
> for 380Z
> RML22C31 SSSD CP/M 2.2C (31K) system disk
> for 380Z
> RML22C3R SSSD CP/M 2.2C (31K) system disk
> for 380Z (reformatted)
> RML22C56 SSSD CP/M 2.2C (56K) system disk
> for 380Z
Um, yes please! I've downloaded a 'teledisk'
shareware thingy. I'll give it a blast :) Please can
you mail me any/all images you have?
I have a dual 3 1/2" + 5 1/4" drive, but I can maybe I
can use one of the drives out of the RM if it doesn't
do 360K correctly? I'd better check on that one...
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Received on Mon Nov 20 2000 - 08:59:40 GMT