It's time to clear out some space in the garage...
I have a PDP-11 available to any collector on the list
who'd like to come to Bristol and collect it! According to
the yellowing paper sheet taped to the top, it has:
M8186 KDF11 LSI 11/23 CPU
M8044DB MSV11 Memory 32K
M8029 RXV21 Floppy Disk
M7952 KWV11A Programmable Real Time Clock
M7954 IBV11A Instrument Bus Interface (IEEE-488 I think)
M7941 DRV11 Parallel Line Unit
M8043 DLV11J Four Async serial interfaces
M8047 MXV11 Memory and Async line interfaces
I can also supply an LA34 console DECwriter and an LA100
receive-only printer, if required. There's a 19-inch rack
with the PDP-11 and a pair of 8-inch floppy disks (RX50s?).
Also a spare pair of 8-inch drives, not in the rack.
Last time I tried it, the system booted up OK. I have the
boot disks, somewhere. Once I find them, I'll let you
know. RT-11, I think.
The machine was used by INMOS for testing the CAD
workstations that they built for chip designs that led to
the transputer.
John Honniball
University of the West of England
Received on Mon Nov 20 2000 - 10:20:39 GMT