What is it ?

From: Lawrence Walker <lgwalker_at_look.ca>
Date: Wed Nov 22 18:35:24 2000

> > >
> > Yeah usually ATI clearly identifies itself. The thing about this
> > board
> > that intrigues me is the mouse socket. It's like a slightly larger
> > Mac or PS/2 socket. Are there many other unusual mouse plugs. For
> Oh yes...
> 9 pins sounds like a 3 button quadrature-output ('bus') mouse. The 9
> signals would be : +5V, Gnd 2 2 sets of
> quadrature signals 4 Buttons 3
> For a total of 9 signals.
> FWIW, Acorn used just this connector on the Archimedes computers. And
> I believe some standard bus mice used it (Logitec?). Microsoft mice
> were 2-button IIRC, and presumably used an 8 pin connector.
> -tony
 I have a bunch of MS, Mac. Atari, Commodore, Logitec and other
clone mice. They all have either the DB-9,or PS/2 or Mac sub-mini
with keying pin. I seem to remember seeing mice with large round
connectors which I assumed were the same size as K-B ones.
 This has a shell diameter of 1/2". Possibly I'm not acquainted with
 the round bus mice. I'll have to try the card in a ISA box with CGA
and Mono monitors and hope the magic smoke doesn't escape. It's
about the size of a Hercules card with a much smaller chip count.
Might be just the thing for my heavily modified IBM PC to replace
the outsized color and mono video cards.

Thanks All


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Received on Wed Nov 22 2000 - 18:35:24 GMT

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