From: Charles E. Fox <foxvideo_at_wincom.net>
Date: Fri Nov 24 05:34:51 2000

At 04:57 PM 11/23/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>I've just acquired a time-base corrector made by Digital Processing
>Systems, model VT-1000 (the original TBC made by DPS) for use with my Video
>Toaster. Unfortunately, I didn't get either a manual or the driver disk
>required. I've tried various Amiga and video-related newsgroups, but to no
>avail. Can any videophiles on the list help me with the following
>- what are the 4 RCA jacks on the back of the card, in order from top to
>- what does the switch above the jacks do?
>- has anyone got a driver disk (for Amiga DOS) they're willing to copy?
>I'd happily pay shipping and a handling fee for a copy of the disk and/or
>manual for this beast (made in 1990, I believe, and thus just on-topic).

         From top:

         System phase control, (hue adjustment),

         2 leds, video present and reference video present (genlock)

         Video input

         Video output

         Multi in/out (I use this as a loop through for genlock)

         Reference video input (Genlock in)

         There are also several jumpers, ae3,4,5,6 set s-video or ntsc.

         bhe1, system phase lock. bhe2, vertical blanking. bhe3, hot sw enable.

         che1, from top, svhe-cin, video out, ref loop, adv sync.

         che2, ref video open or terminated.

                                         I hope this helps, if you get
stuck I will scan some of the manual for you.

                                 Charlie Fox
                         Chas E. Fox Video Productions
                         793 Argyle Rd. Windsor ON N8Y 3J8
                                 Check out:
         The Old Walkerville Virtual Museum at http://skyboom.com/foxvideo
                 and Camcorder Kindergarten at http://chasfoxvideo.com
Received on Fri Nov 24 2000 - 05:34:51 GMT

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