SPARC 10, SunOS 5.5.1, root passwd

From: Chris Kennedy <>
Date: Sat Nov 25 01:24:06 2000

Lawrence LeMay wrote:

> Are you sure it doesnt ask for the Prom password on hardware faults,
> instead of root password?

I just tried it; no matter what I do I get prompted for the root password.
This makes sense; init invokes /sbin/rcS during startup; if anything
unhappy happens _that_ invokes /sbin/sulogin (yeah, I did make sure
that a prom password was set).

Maybe I'm not being forceful enough with this poor SS20... ;-)

>From what I can tell by poking at sulogin, you can duplicate the old
SunOS behavior by setting the value of PASSREQ in /etc/default/sulogin
to "NO" -- but that obviously requires that you get your hands around
the machine's throat.
Chris Kennedy
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Received on Sat Nov 25 2000 - 01:24:06 GMT

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