Usually I don't announce in this list my new additions to my collection.
Recently I even have become somewhat ashamed about them, because my house
is getting increasingly harder to live in. Sometimes it is more like a
childerns maze made out of old computers than a home, and only visitors
with a technical background can understand why it looks the way it does.
But now something arrived that I have to tell you about, and ask a
question too.
A good friend works at a big research lab of the PTT here in The
Netherlands. They were vacating a building and he could have the
computers that were left behind. It was the same adventure as Megan's,
including the very large truck filled with classic goodies. My friend
gave most of them to me. They were a PDP-11/84 with a lot of drives
and a PDP-8/e.
He also put a PDP-8 in my garage. It seems incredible, but I think this
PDP-8 is an original one from the first series from the 1960's. I put up
a few pictures at
Could you experts look at them and verify that this really is a very
old PDP8? I ask because I just can't believe it is one. It is hard to
believe for me that the Dutch PTT has kept this machine in its offices
all these years. The sticker with the service contract number is still
on it. I don't ask because I want to sell it. It is still my friend's
property and he will collect it from my place as soon as he has made
room for it, and he will be getting it working again too I think,
because he was programming it himself a long time ago.
Kees Stravers - Geldrop, The Netherlands - kees.stravers_at_iae.nl
http://www.iae.nl/users/pb0aia/ My home page (old computers,music,photography)
http://www.vaxarchive.org/ Info on old DEC VAX computers
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Received on Sat Nov 25 2000 - 19:48:58 GMT