Kelly <> said:
> What I would like to end up with is a list that looks like this:
> 128K Mac Original
I really consider this two computers, the "Macintosh" and the
"Macintosh 128K", I have both. The "Macintosh" was introduced
in January 1984, the case was changed later that year (I believe
about the time the Macintosh 512K was introduced) to say
"Macintosh 128K".
If you want to add something truely unusual to your collection,
look for a "MacCharlie". Find one of these and then you'll really
have a fat Mac!
I still have not gotten around to trying to fire mine up.
If you want to get technical, get some copies of the old
MacTech/MacTutor magazines. (Started in December 1984, it was
MacTech for the first three issues then became MacTutor, now it's
MacTech again) I also have "The Complete MacTutor" and "The Best
of MacTutor".
They sell a 15 volume CD collection that includes the entire
archives of MacTech Magazine through June 1999 and volumes I-VI
of Inside Macintosh.
Good luck in your searching,
Doug Coward
Press Start Inc.
Analog Computer Museum and History Center
Received on Sun Nov 26 2000 - 00:12:59 GMT