On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 healyzh_at_aracnet.com wrote:
> > Simple because it's impossible, they believe that! ;)
> >
> > Of course there's Newdeal Software and they have a small browser that
> > runs pretty light and I think it runs on XTs!
> >
> > Allison
> I just checked, it does. That's the name of the outfit I've been trying to
> remember! They're the old Geoworks Ensemble.
> Basically they look to be the cooliest PC software company! Though they're
> claim to be for any PC is no longer true since they no longer support the
> 8086, and haven't for about 3 years, IIRC.
> http://www.newdealinc.com/
> Zane
Zane, is this browser like Arachne (and a few others) in that it has no
Java capability?
- don
Received on Tue Nov 28 2000 - 00:17:14 GMT