UCSD PASCAL (P-system) P-code
Mike Ford wrote:
> machine that nobody was buying outside academia (that I knew of). Next
> thing you know the professor from UCSD and one of his students (Roger
> Sumner I think) had ported the Pascal to the Apple II, and despite the
> original Pascal being done at UCSD, and IMHO by a LOT of student work, they
> set up a business with the "new" product.
hahaha surprised eh..... not me this is typical in Italy, extremely
common. During one of my course the teacher told us that it was MANDATORY
to participate at the development a Z8000 cross assembler in order to
just think to participate at the final test. Previously, another teacher
had introduced me in the world of software freelances so I
new that you could make money with software ;-) it was around 1983.
The funny thing was that I was one of the persons at the custormer's site
that had to evaluate the cross assembler!!! HEHEHE This teacher was
really embarrassed when we met for the startup of the activity and I
magically was removed from ALL mandatory software developments during
his course. Nice thing so I wouldn't have to fight for CPU time on a 11/34
and used a 11/780 at the customer's premise.
Sorry for the OT stuff, but I love to remember this memory ;-)
Enrico Badella email: enrico.badella_at_softstar.it
Soft*Star srl eb_at_vax.cnuce.cnr.it
InterNetworking Specialists tel: +39-011-746092
Via Camburzano 9 fax: +39-011-746487
10143 Torino, Italy
Wanted, for hobbyist use, any type of PDP and microVAX hardware,software,
manuals,schematics,etc. and DEC-10 docs or manuals
Received on Thu Nov 30 2000 - 03:24:12 GMT
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