Anybody have instructions/details on how to re-wire a VAX 6000's
three-phase 115V AC power supply for 220V single phase? The only
thing I've got so far with any information is this:
However, I cant find any way to get ahold of the author of the
text, who mentions:
"I you get a 6000 (or similar) machine let me know. I have worked out
a very elegant way to do the above mod which entails no soldering ,
no disconnecting of joints etc , and can be put back to factory
standard in about 30 secs."
What I need, is that information - but the email is at least 4
years old and the addresses no longer current. I've got a
VAX 6000-410 here that I'd love to at least fire up and run
some diags on, and I cant do that till it will run on 220V
Bill Bradford * KD5LQR
Austin, TX
Received on Thu Oct 05 2000 - 03:24:07 BST