Chuck McManis wrote:
> For anyone who has taught computer science the utility is clear, you need a
> non-specific name to indicate a specific instance of a something and FOO is
> as good as any, the three names used at USC were FOO, BAR, and BLETCH. Some
> added BLATHER if they needed a fourth. This is similar to the
Ah, that's what I was taught! I had previously learned the military version
from hanging around too many ex-military.
I use foo and bar on a daily basis, they are the names of files that I
can blow away on a whim and not worry about the contents. Knowing this I
never put anything that needs to be kept past the one reading/writing.
Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry (Text only) (Graphics) (SourceForge)
Received on Thu Oct 05 2000 - 13:42:46 BST