On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, James Willing wrote:
> Thanks again to Sellam for throwing one heck of a party!
Thanks again to Jim for continuing in his role as "Official VCF Celebrity"
:) How many interviews did you notch up this time?
Oh yeah, I owe you some batteries. And thanks again for hauling down that
HP 9000 workstation. Ever since Frank exhibited his at VCF 1.0, I have
suffered from HP 9000/520 envy. Thanks to you, I have been cured of this
ailment :)
Sellam International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Looking for a six in a pile of nines...
VCF 4.0 is September 30-October 1
San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California
http://www.vintage.org for details!
Received on Thu Oct 05 2000 - 13:46:33 BST