Here are the results of the 4th Annual Vintage Computer Festival
Exhibition (sponsored by Dr. Dobb's Journal,
Home-brew, Kit or Educational Computer
1st: Jim Willing, HERO Robot
2nd: Cameron Kaiser, Tomy Tutor
3rd: Larry Pezzolo, Lawrence Livermore Labs Microprocessor Trainer
Manufactured Personal Computer - Pre-1981
1st: Wayne Smith, "Pre-PC IBM Desktop"
2nd: Jordan Ruderman, SOL-20
3rd: David Kavanaugh, IMSAI 8080
Manufactured Personal Computer - 1981 or After
1st: Simon Favre, IBM 3270 AT/GX
2nd: Rick Lehrbaum, Ampro Z-80
3rd: Pete Johnson, HP Integral PC
Mini-computer or Larger System
1st: Dwight Elvey, Nicolet 1080
2nd: Chuck McManis, "Qbus VAXen"
3rd: Not Awarded :(
Open Class
1st: Derek Peschel, Marchant ACR8M Electromechanical Calculator
2nd: David Weil, "Before There Were Computers"
3rd: Cole Erskine, Friden EC-130 Electronic Calculator
Special Awards
Best Presentation - Research
Dwight Elvey, Nicolet 1080
Best Presentation - Completeness
Simon Favre, IBM 3270 AT/GX
Best Presentation - Display
Curt Vendel, "Atari Historical Society"
Best Presentation - Creative Integration with Contemporary Technology
Jordan Ruderman, SOL-20 (used a CD player to store Cassette-based
Best Preservation - Original Condition
Rick Lehrbaum, Ampro Z-80
Best Preservation - Restoration
Dwight Elvey, Nicolet 1080
Best Preservation - Recreation
Not Awarded :(
Best Preservation - Simulation
Cameron Kaiser, Commodore 64 Tomy Tutor Emulator
Best Preservation - Obscurity
Hans Franke, Juku (Estonian computer)
Best Technology - Analog
David Weil, "Before There Were Computers
Best Technology - Non-Electronic
Derek Peschel, Marchant ACR8M Electromechanical Calculator
People's Choice Award
Dale Luck, "Lorraine - The First Amiga and Her Sisters Daphne, Agnus, and
Portia" (Original Amiga Prototype)
Best of Show
Simon Favre, IBM 3270 AT/GX
Congratulations to Simon Favre and Dwight Elvey who both came away in a
tie of the ribbon count with 3 ribbons each!!
Start thinking about what YOU could exhibit at VCF 5.0!
The rules for the exhibition can be found at:
Sellam International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Looking for a six in a pile of nines...
VCF 4.0 is September 30-October 1
San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California
See for details!
Received on Fri Oct 06 2000 - 01:52:42 BST