Sellam probably thinks that I, as the 5100 exhibitor,
must be the source of this misinformation, and
basically he's right.
In the course of the interview, I told the reporter
about my efforts to collect serial numbers for existing
5100s. I told the reporter that based on my research,
I estimated that there were approximately 5,000 5100s
made. Of these, I estimated that 500 still existed and
about 50 were in the hands of collectors, which I think
is about right. I assume the reporter heard "30"
instead of "50" and equated "in the hands of
collectors' with "in circulation".
Simply put, too much information, and too many numbers,
for a reporter to sift through.
My apologes for talking too much.
> Where did Jeff (the narrator) get the idea that only
thirty IBM 5100s are
> floating around? There are way more than that in
circulation. Of course,
> there were other erroneous facts that he slipped into
the narrative but
> that's to be expected of clueless news people.
> Sellam International
Man of Intrigue and Danger
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Looking for a six in a pile of nines...
> VCF 4.0 is September
30-October 1
> San Jose Convention Center, San Jose,
> See for
Received on Mon Oct 09 2000 - 23:21:21 BST