Mac IIsi memory

From: Mike Ford <>
Date: Tue Oct 10 04:11:10 2000

>> Nothing desirable. BTW if you can swap memory between a IIsi and a 7300 I
>> want to watch, one is 30 pin SIMM the other 168 pin DIMM.
>I meant money-wise :-) At $65 a SIMM, I'd rather spend the money on DIMMs
>for the Power Mac and my Apple Network Server.

Its a bit odd, but $$$ per MB the most expensive are 4 MB 30 pin simms,
which go for $5 to $7 each, while the 16 MB are mostly less than $20.

Less surprizing, 16 MB DIMMs are even cheaper, but not as cheap as current
technology memory. About the most expensive are the silly chips my Tanzania
MB Starmax takes at about $1.50 per MB (only compatible with Mac 4400 and
some Dell Optiplex).

When I get around to testing and sorting I will have a fair amount of all
sizes of older memory up for sale.
Received on Tue Oct 10 2000 - 04:11:10 BST

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