OT collecting old pinballs

From: Wouter de Waal <wrm_at_ccii.co.za>
Date: Wed Oct 11 07:02:58 2000

>How do you tell the pinballs apart?

You look at the scratches *very* carefully -- it's like fingerprints :-)

Hey, we normally talk about "pins", think about all the things you
could have said about that :-)

>Well, they are older than my car

Ja, but you live in the states (I assume). Our newest Land-Rover is a
1965, my one is a '59, my wife drives a '55. My Puma is a 1974 (and,
I had to pull up my web page to get that information -- now *THAT'S*
crazy :-)

Restoring? Both Land-Rovers and pinball machines (OK?) can be rebuilt
from the ground up. Fascinating hobby, these analog computers (And I'm
not talking about the LR, OK?)

Some people, sheesh! :-)

Received on Wed Oct 11 2000 - 07:02:58 BST

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