>Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 10:25:12 -0500
>From: "FBA" <fauradon_at_mn.mediaone.net>
>Subject: Re: Moving a Microvax II
>Speaking of ebay: here is a $700 commodore 64 with the reserve not met
Pfffffft! <wipes monitor> Clearly someone who hasn't done any research.
As a CBM-related aside, having found one of the rare/ultra rare/not rare at
all/discuss P500s a while back I get a phone call from an ex-collector who's
found the stable-mate to mine in his loft, in identical condition, serial
numbers only 32 apart, another one appears on eBay and sells for ukp300 then
someone ELSE offers me ANOTHER P500 with a couple of chips missing, Highest
serial number seen so far: 1296.
I don't know whether to be pleased with mine or not!
BTW, big site update at www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk (or
www.fop.i12.com/museum-frame.htm if that doesn't work). Many new pictures,
all pong carts catalogued and some info added on some of the more uncommon
machines, eg Enterprise 64, P500, BBC Domesday etc. Come along and don't
forget to stand on the antistatic mat on the way in. :)
Adrian Graham MCSE/ASE/MCP
C CAT Limited
Gubbins: http://www.ccat.co.uk (work)
<http://www.snakebiteandblack.co.uk> (home)
<http://www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk> (80's computer collection)
"Missing you already" - Mark Radcliffe
Received on Wed Oct 11 2000 - 04:01:23 BST