"R. D. Davis" wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Hans Franke wrote:
> > PLEASE, give me some break - right around eVCF is a bad idea. The time
> > before I may be ocupied by some kind of organisation, while right
> > after I'm occupied by Sallam :)) Serious, I'd realy love to visit
> > VCF East, or Midwest or Whatever. In my opinion mid June may be a
> > reasonable time frame.
> Great, just what we need on the right coast, something else to cause
> more damage to hamfests and deplete them of the few remaining
> "vintage" computers. ...as if e-bilk wasn't bad enough. Does anyone
> (Tony (DRARD)?) have an appropritately suitable LART for that idiot
> who wrote the book on computer collecting a few years ago who got all
> these problems started?
Where can I find out more about the Hamfests in my area (NJ, USA)? I
was going to attempt to see if any serious effort was being made to
have a Vintage computer section in the 2001 Trenton Computer Fair. They
attempted it last year but no one except the a few Ham's with Ham
equipment showed up (no computers).
Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry ncherry_at_home.net
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Received on Wed Oct 11 2000 - 16:26:40 BST