On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
[running comptuers from an automobile]
> Adding major mass of batteries can sink much of the variation.
> Power CAN be cleaned up.
It seems that the obvious solution is being overlooked. Modify the
radiator so that it has about a 2" to 3" hole in the middle (which
will require some welding so that the core doesn't leak. Add an
additional transmision-oil cooler, and a few other cooling accessories
to compensate for the slightly diminished cooling capacity of the
radiator. Now, if necessary, remove a similar sized area from the
grill, etc. Having done that, you can add an extension to the
crankshaft (you'll probably need a new, custom, harmonic balancer as
well) that can be attached to a heavy-duty generator... just duct-tape
it to the roof when not in use. There, now you can power anything
from a C64 to a large minicomputer from your car... of course, if you
want to use it while driving, you'll need to weld the generator to the
front end of the car (so you'd better have a heavy, solid, frame) and
duct-tape the computer to the roof. I recon one could easily run a 6'
rack of PDP-11 equipment this way during long highway drives. You
might want to put reflectors on the generator if you do this and plan
to drive at night.
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All Rights Reserved Wile E. Coyote on the Roadrunner cartoons is to
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Received on Thu Oct 12 2000 - 13:21:25 BST