Hi Zane,
This machine has "What looks like" a normal floppy cable. It is not SCSI. I
don't really _need_ a floppy but the machine has a big hole in the front where
a floppy went and someone removed it. They left the cable though. I would like
to mount a floppy here just in case it's needed and to close the hole. :^)
I tried the only old floppy I had laying around. The light stayed on on the
front. I don't know if that means it worked or it didn't. I didn't have time to
do much else with it and I didn't have any OS media to try out. I only have VMS
for my VAXen and I don't have True64Unix. Don't mention WinNT for Alpha.
I guess I'll experiment some more...
Thanks for the reply!
Mike N.
"Zane H. Healy" wrote:
> >Hi All!
> >
> >Quick question. Does the Digital Alphastation 255 take a regular ( as in
> >PC type ) floppy disk drive? Is there a special DEC FD drive I need to
> >get? I have a part number for the FD from DEC but the part description
> >doesn't tell me anything and the purchase price for the item is about
> >what you would expect for a PC type floppy drive buying direct from a
> >manufacturer.
> >
> >Any help is appreciated...
> >
> >Thanks...
> >Mike N.
> Does it have a SCSI connector or a floppy connector? Do you have the old
> floppy? For that matter why do you actually need the floppy, there might
> be ways of getting around using it.
> The AlphaStation 200 and 255 are supposed to be a lot alike, I just popped
> the hood on one of my 200's and it's got a RX23L, which looks a lot like a
> normal PC floppy drive to me. I'd say if you've got one laying around give
> it a try.
> Zane
> | Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
> | healyzh_at_aracnet.com (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
> | healyzh_at_holonet.net (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
> +----------------------------------+----------------------------+
> | Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
> | and Zane's Computer Museum. |
> | http://www.aracnet.com/~healyzh/ |
Received on Thu Oct 12 2000 - 13:58:47 BST