RL02 Sanity Check

From: Jeffrey l Kaneko <jeff.kaneko_at_juno.com>
Date: Fri Oct 13 09:39:16 2000

Hmm, okay. That means mine's broke then.
I powered it up, pack in place, heads retracted.

The fan comes on, the "READY" lite comes on,
but it doesn't sound like it's spinning up.
No "FAULT" lite.

I pull the pack (heads still retracted), and
turn it on whilst fooling the pack inserted/door closed
switch. The spindle turns *very* slowly, and then

With the rear cover off, it looks like it does the same
thing with the pack inserted, and cover closed.

I haven't plugged this thing into a live host interface
yet; I'm just trying to see if everything's okay first.

I read somewhere that it gets it's spindle motor clock
from the RLV12/11).


On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 10:04:26 -0400 Jerome Fine <jhfine_at_idirect.com>
> >Jeffrey l Kaneko wrote:
> > I realize this falls into the category of stupid
> > questions, but:
> > The RL02 has to be plugged into a *live* RLV12
> > before it will spin-up, right?
> Jerome Fine replies:
> NO! But the RED FAULT light will be ON if the RL02 is
> not plugged into the RLV12 (or RLV11) and the CPU is
> not powered on.
> Sincerely yours,
> Jerome Fine

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Received on Fri Oct 13 2000 - 09:39:16 BST

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