Not that I want to get wedged into the moddle of this one, but...
On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Lawrence Walker wrote:
> >
> And I wouldn't exactly characterize the original post as
> polite, which referred to the "idiot who wrote the book on collecting
> computers". I can only assume this referred to Kevin Stumpf who is
> a sometime contributer to the list and has gone to great lengths to
> preserve old computers, and started many years before it became
> trendy.
Well, while not being a mind reader one could also "assume" that the
reference could have been to Dr. Haddock who published a book on the topic
some time prior to Kevin's book... FWIW
> I would also question the disparaging remarks vis-a -vis VCF. Many
> of us on the list view the success of VCF and now VCE with a
> pride in Sellams accomplishment, having taken part in it's inception
> and development thru discussions on the cc m-l.
For my part, I'm greatful that someone had the 'brass monkeys' to take on
creating and producing something like VCF. It was likely inevitable that
somewhere there would be a renaissance in computing and peoples interest
would spike along with the (real or preceived) value of the relative gear.
To try to assign (credit|blame) to any given event is perhaps an academic
exercise similar to defining with any certanty what machine(s) actually
'started' the (personal|home) computer revolution. (this being
significantly different from the 'PC' 'revolution')
> Many of us have been flayed by Sellams volitile personality. He
> only gave voice to my own indignation. While not giving him carte
> blanche, ( I would flame just him as heavily should the situation
> arise), it should be remembered that PROFANEity is simply a
> religio-cultural view. Remember Lenny Bruce ? From my point of
> view "bomb them back to the stone age" is profanity of the highest
> order and there are many others accepted in everyday exchanges.
You mean a flameproof suit is not in *everyones* wardrobe?
> To each his own.
To borrow an almost appropriate thought:
Don't take life too seriously. It is after all just a game...
...and no body makes it out alive.
--never can remember who said that originally. Although I have used it on
radio shows from time to time. B^}
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Received on Fri Oct 13 2000 - 17:15:06 BST