Intel MDS 225 (1st post)

From: ajp166 <>
Date: Sat Oct 14 10:01:39 2000

-----Original Message-----

>> I was hoping that I could get some useful OS running, CPM would be
great; I
>> have several CPM machines already, so it's not totally foreign to me.
>> I need a different CPU card, or other hardware to run CP/M? For that

The bios would have to know how to handle the disk as it does single
and a M^2FM double density that is unique to Intel boxen. The single
mode will however run standard CPM (BIOS is in the alteration guide) and
usually on standard distrubtion 8" SSSD.

>code should work on your machine, as I recall. The main issue
>is that you'll most likely have to transfer things through a
>serial port to the MDS. It's a pain but it can be done.

You can use ISIS to help or hand push it some of it.

Received on Sat Oct 14 2000 - 10:01:39 BST

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