Doug Salot <> said:
> Hey unamericans, any candidates for personal computers made outside of the
> US before 1976 (other than Micral)?
> Define "personal computer" any way you like to as long as you define it
> this way: digital, (semi)automatic, programmable, accessible/available,
> small, inexpensive, and simpler than an F-14 fighter jet :-) Turing
> completeness helps, but I'm flexible.
We this WOULD have have been a good opourtunity to talk about the 1971
English computer I received in the mail last Wednesday from the NE coast
of England.
I WOULD have said that it is a "Educational Analogue Computer Type
made by Physical & Electronic Laboratories Ltd. It has 18 amplifiers, 16
of which can be used as integrators. It my first general purpose analog
to use intergrated circuit amplifiers. The DIP 741 amplifiers are are in
beautiful all gold packages with date codes of 7105. And I have a
But, I'll save this for later.
The person I bought this computer from does have some newer digital
computers for sale. He has 18 Memotech MTX512s and other Memotech
stuff that he is hoping to sell as one lot. He also has Atari STs,
Amstrads, Amigas, Atari Lynxs, games for the Lynxs and VIC20.
See the whole list at:
The Olde Computerosity Shoppe, Harlepool
contact: "john.masterman" <>
Doug Coward
Press Start Inc.
Received on Mon Oct 16 2000 - 11:34:09 BST