Who collects (reads the mailing list...?) vintage computers

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Mon Oct 16 20:06:17 2000

Richard Erlacher wrote about Z-80 systems from The Digital Group:
> and since I don't think they ever came out with a current (for the
> time) FDC, I don't think they ever got an OS running on it.

The originally shipped a single-density FDC for 8-inch drives. It used
some NEC single-density only FDC chip that was *NOT* related in any way
to the uPD765 or the Intel 8271 or 8272. I don't recall the part number,
but it was almost certainly uPD and three digits.

They offered a "Diskmon" OS, and Oasis. I'm not sure that they offered
CP/M, but certainly people ran it.

Later they did a double-density FDC using a more common chip.

Received on Mon Oct 16 2000 - 20:06:17 BST

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