> Of course, in those days, a lot of message traffic was on
> The Source and CompuServe (didn't The Source grow from what
> used to be called MicroNet?). Then later ('85-???), there was
> also BIX (Byte Information eXchange).
> I Miss BIX!
> :-)
> -dq
MicroNet-->CompuServe--> CompuServe2000 (a Part of AOL) 8-(
I miss CompuServe's PDP11 and Vax Sig.
I had a pretty good hoax/rumor going there about 1984/5
about Free DEC Employee MicroVaxII's with Stu Fuller of the Vaxsig.
You see... DEC glued dead uVaxII chip silicon to the annual report.
(Which employees got slightly ahead of some other stockholders...)
Boy did people offer me a lot for my uVaxII (which was pretty much back
ordered everywhere).
bpechter_at_monmouth.com | FreeBSD since 1.0.2, Linux since 0.99.10
| Unix Sys Admin since Sys V/BSD 4.2
| Windows System Administration: "Magical Misery Tour
Received on Tue Oct 17 2000 - 16:29:36 BST