Does anyone collect old software?

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Wed Oct 18 12:39:39 2000

Hi Charles!

I'm not exactly in themode of "collecting" but still, I'd be interested in
the Backup Exec for Netware, and the Maynstream software, since I have a
client with one of the Maynard drives (really an Exabyte 8200) and because I
have continued to use the Backup Exec. for Windows.

What's "direct access?" I have a beta copy of Seagate's Direct Access that
allows sort-of drag-n-drop moves and copies to tape from disk. Is that what
it is? I was part of their beta test progam for several tape utilities.
They've spun off their tape software now, so I don't know how that bodes for

When you say heavy, (re:Netware) I assume you mean around 20# or so, as
that's what the NW3.11 package I now use weighs. Is that about right?



----- Original Message -----
From: Charles P. Hobbs (SoCalTip) <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 10:39 AM
Subject: Does anyone collect old software?

> I'm throwing out the following:
> Arcada Backup Exec for Netware
> Maynstream tape streaming software/manual (no hardware)
> Delrina Comm Suite 2.1
> Direct Access menu software (2 copies)
> Crosstalk XVI
> Procomm Plus
> Norton Antivirus for Netware
> Netware 4 + upgrade
> If you're the least bit interested, let me know by the end of the day.
> Since I'm just throwing this stuff away, I can let it go for the cost
> of shipping. Beware, some of this stuff (particularly the netware ) is
> heavy!
Received on Wed Oct 18 2000 - 12:39:39 BST

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