forklift rental in San Jose, CA?

From: Daniel T. Burrows <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 07:22:01 2000

If you have or can readily borrow a farm tractor you can use a boom pole. I
have done this several times with some pieces that were pushing 1000+
pounds. Not quite as nice as a fork lift but it does work. I am currently
keeping my eyes open for a fork lift attachment for a 3 point hitch.
If you go this route make sure it is a good size tractor and it has a fair
amount of front end weights. Expect to do all your turning with the brakes
as there won't be much control with the front tires.
This is from experience on a 60 HP diesel with 200 pounds of front wheel

Received on Thu Oct 19 2000 - 07:22:01 BST

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