Bill Pechter wrote:
> >
> > Enrico Badella wrote:
> >
> > At a customer's site they have 3 780 waiting for their last trip; last
> > week they just decommissioned 3 11/70 on of which in a DEC DATASYSTEM 720
> > cabinet (don't remember the exact number). Wish I had more room; maybe
> > a should junk my 11/40 ;-)
> I seem to remember either 520 or 570 on the datasystem...
Its probably a 570. I'll try to see if I can get permission to enter
the glass room with a camera and take some photos. It is behind he other
2 11/70 with the usual red/purple switch console. In that room there are
lots of interesting things like RM03, at least 10, several VAX 4000
and VAX ft 3000 waiting to be junked.
Enrico Badella email:
Soft*Star srl
InterNetworking Specialists tel: +39-011-746092
Via Camburzano 9 fax: +39-011-746487
10143 Torino, Italy
Wanted, for hobbyist use, any type of PDP and microVAX hardware,software,
manuals,schematics,etc. and DEC-10 docs or manuals
Received on Thu Oct 19 2000 - 11:54:54 BST
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