On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, Neil Cherry wrote:
> > My box has been running for over a year now and I have never been
> > "rooted". I can't relate to your argument, Chicken Little.
> Hmm, I'm not sure about the rooted part but I have noticed that I get
> 'probed' (South Park Humor, maybe ;-) almost every day. I have a Firewall
Yeah, I noticed that when my server first went online. For the first
couple days I was annoyed, and would send out e-mails telling these little
losers to back off or I would smite them with my mightiness. After a
while I realized it was futile and just ignore them. My system is secure.
I have no worries.
> router, IP Chains and TCPD running. I'm on a cable modem 7x24. The reason
The reason I'm such a fan of RedHat is because the basic 6.2 installation
is reasonably secure and is configured in a manner that doesn't let you
get into trouble. The only thing it requires you to configure yourself is
the IP Chains. I've tried SuSE and Debian. In my experience, SuSE is
good, but too Euro-centric, and Debian is crummy. I stick with RedHat
because that's where all the money is, and therefore where the development
is being done.
RH 7.0 is out now. I'm hoping it will be a major improvement over 6.2.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Thu Oct 19 2000 - 12:39:13 BST