MS Laugh-In

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Thu Oct 19 14:30:44 2000

> I'm told that the principal difference between W98SE and ME is that you
> can't install ME without first registering it. I haven't tried it, so I
> don't know whether that's really the case, but . . .

They've supposedly added this now to Office 2000; if you skip the
it launches 50 times, then quits working.

And of course, if you complete the online registration, it "phones home".

Now, what if you have neither a modem nor other network connection?
I wonder if it allows the "print out form and mail in" registration.
If so, that's one way to skin a fat cat... (not that I'm suggesting
piracy, just suggesting not going along with the flow).

Received on Thu Oct 19 2000 - 14:30:44 BST

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