Netscape problems under SUSE or Redhat have not locked my whole box, but
I'd have to switch virtual consoles and kill several tasks to allow
Xwindows to run again. I think this is something like OS/2's issues with
stability. OS/2 is rock-solid, but the GUI is not nearly so stable but is
much moreso than Xwindows is. With OS/2, a few third-party utils that
provide kill capabilities and GUI restart ability are helpful (PMPatrol is
That is one big difference between the Windows systems and Unix-like
systems such as OS/2 and Linux/BSD. The latter are command-line operating
systems with GUIs added on.
The Windows systems grey the line between the operating system and user
interface to the point the two are inseperable on that platform. This
contributes to scaleability issues which preclude running them on legacy
hardware. Linux and Warp are very very scaleable.
Also, the line between the Windows system and the applications is very
grey. Installing an application on Windows puts windows and the app in a
blender. This is not so with OS/2 or Linux. It is almost allways
sufficient to copy the app's directory and just run the thing. IMHO, this
is the greatest failing of Windows and what makes it prone to failure and
hard to fix - every machine running Windows is Unique - a Rembrandt though
that sullys the name.
Windows' constantly changing API's provide for innovation and quick
upgrades which give the user a better experience (while it stays running
sic.), but it also serves Microsoft by making them the only ones who can
write for thier os. This moving API makes ports to other platforms very
I don't think MS has the resources or expertise to plan and write a
world-class operating system.
Really though, the most painful of all is Microsoft's gangster tactics.
They prey on everyone large or small, they will attack and destroy
individuals for speaking against them. This stuff about tying products
and such is just an excuse to avenge the many many more difficult to
prosecute acts of violence Microsoft has comitted.
Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services, Inc.
30 Greenwood Rd.
Asheville, NC 28803
Received on Thu Oct 19 2000 - 15:25:40 BST