MS Laugh-In

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 07:50:58 2000

> This is a rampent disease out there, the idea that network access
> is fast and always there means they (VENDORs) can skip docs,
> final patches, updates by mail or a lot of other things we pay for.
> I had to camp on Allaire to send a CD as they wanted me to
> download the eval version of their CF4.51product, it's way to
> big for a modem, even at 56k. HP dumped STAC (or did STAC
> fail?) and I find out when the backups on the T20I travan failed.
> Find that on the web site... nope. WE BUY this crap, that why
> it is pandered.

I subscribe to a package of Windows add-ons called Object Desktop
from a company called Stardock (a former OS/2 ISV), and they are
using the Internet as delivery vehicle. Since these components
tend to be relatively small, the model works. OTOH, the main
reason I'm not using IE 5.5 is that if Microsoft doesn't have
enough faith in the product to burn it onto a CD, I'm sure not
spending my limited bandwidth downloading it.

I did, however, download a 43MB demo (SurfScout) via our V.90
link a few days ago. As more sites implement restartable down-
loads, it's not so bad...

But I'm in basic agreement with you.

Received on Fri Oct 20 2000 - 07:50:58 BST

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