Idiotic people who do not know the value of classic equipment

From: Ram Meenakshisundaram <>
Date: Fri Oct 20 13:25:49 2000

The worst thing about this is that I cant even dumpster dive as they do
a lot of different government contracts. The whole area is pretty much
off limits. If I do dumpster dive, I wouldnt be suprised if a bunch of
FBI agents take me away for questioning...
> I'm amazed at what perfectly good stuff management sees fit to toss. When
> my company closed the office I worked out of at my last job, my former
> boss had the minions throw out all kinds of useful and valuable stuff in
> my absence. I found out about it and ended up spending the evening inside
> a grimy dumpster retrieving several thousand dollars of useful equipment.
> A lot of it has since served me very well :)
> Sorry about your story, Ram. That bites.
Received on Fri Oct 20 2000 - 13:25:49 BST

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